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Kindergardens and daycare centers

«In every person there is a sun. Just let them shine» (Socrates). Kindergartens and daycare centers of the Mission are places where a child is nurtured, like the most fragile flower, where the "inner sun" is allowed to shine. The Caritas-Spes Ukraine Mission started and takes care of 14 kindergartens and 6 "Svitlytsia" daycare centers. More than 700 children are educated in kindergartens scattered all over Ukraine. 

More than 400 children stay in "Svitlytsia" centers.

More than
1 000
children visit our kindergartens and daycare centers

More than 700 children are educated in 14 kindergartens scattered throughout Ukraine. More than 400 children stay in 6 "Svitlytsia" daycare centers. Our kindergartens and daycare centers are based on the following principles:

  • Trust
  • Development
  • Perception

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