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Psychological crisis and ways to overcome it: training for specialists of Caritas-Spes Ukraine Family Support Centers was held in Bryukhovychi

Psychological crisis and ways to overcome it: training for specialists of Caritas-Spes Ukraine Family Support Centers was held in Bryukhovychi

Our lives are full of stress. War, loss, destruction, a constant stream of disturbing news. People need support, especially psychological support, to overcome their fears, despair, uncertainty, and to solve problems in family relationships.

The four centers opened as part of the project «Improving the Quality and Access to Psychological Assistance for Children and Their Families in Kharkiv, Odesa, Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia Family Support Centers in Ukraine» provide psychological assistance to Ukrainians suffering from the consequences of the war. Both children and their parents can receive support from psychologists, social workers and case managers at these centers. A three-day training for the specialists of the Centers was held with the participation of trainers from Caritas Poland, an organization that is our partner in the project.

The project is co-financed by the Polish Development Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

“This training has strengthened my professionalism as a psychologist. I have gained a better understanding of how to behave in crisis situations, understood - through specific examples - what parents are like and how to respond to certain difficult moments that arise in families,” says Oksana Cherkashyna, a psychologist from Kharkiv. ”Professional trainers from Poland gave us the basics of crisis counseling and an understanding of what a crisis really is, we even dived into the moments of psychiatry. This is the knowledge I will use every day.”

The training, focused on crisis intervention and support for people in crisis, is the first of the planned training sessions for the Centers' specialists. The plans for this year and next year are to discuss, among other things, the problem of responding to losses, alienation between family members that occurs as a result of war, and support for victims of domestic violence.

“We often emphasize that people in crisis are very complex. We say: a difficult client. And we don't always pay attention to the emotional needs that a person has, to the causes of the crisis in which that person is,” says Nina Mocior, Head of Foreign Aid and Development at Caritas Poland, a trainer at this training session. ”In Ukraine, we talk about several types of crisis. The emotional crisis is connected with fear, because the situation, unfortunately, is not improving, and the regions - especially the eastern and central ones - are constantly in danger, under the threat of shelling. It is impossible to get used to fear. And how do you cope with it? Unfortunately, all of this has been relevant for quite some time...”

The publication expresses the author's opinion only and cannot be interpreted as the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

16 September 2024
Система Orphus
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