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United in action

Step Forward Project: Humanitarian action for a sustainable protection child with disability and rehabilitation-social system in Ukraine. The project is implemented with the support of partners Caritas Italiana and Secours Catholique -…

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United in action
Every meeting is an opportunity to reach people's hearts

Every meeting is an opportunity to reach people's hearts

The German Catholic organisation Renovabis has been a reliable partner of Caritas-Spes Ukraine for many years. This year, as part of its traditional two-week information campaign of the Sending of the Holy Spirit, Renovabis held series of…

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We help parents restore their inner resources

Step Forward Project: Humanitarian action for a sustainable protection child with disability and rehabilitation-social system in Ukraine. The project is implemented with the support of partners Caritas Italiana and Secours Catholique -…

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We help parents restore their inner resources
Mobile groups of the Step Forward project. Stories from Zhytomyr

Mobile groups of the Step Forward project. Stories from Zhytomyr

Step Forward Project: Humanitarian action for a sustainable protection child with disability and rehabilitation-social system in Ukraine. The project is implemented with the support of partners Caritas Italiana and Secours Catholique -…

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Тендер на проведення фінального оцінювання реалізації проекту 

Карітас-Спес Україна оголошує тендер на проведення фінального оцінювання реалізації проекту «Надзвичайний заклик Карітас-Спес України: Продовження реагування на війну в Україні».

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Тендер на проведення фінального оцінювання реалізації проекту 
“Fairy Tale” Kindergarten Opens Near Hostomel, Providing Childhood Amidst War…

“Fairy Tale” Kindergarten Opens Near Hostomel, Providing Childhood Amidst War…

Anica Djamic, Croatian Ambassador to Ukraine, along with representatives from Caritas-Spes Ukraine, visited “Fairy Tale” Kindergarten in Hostomel, which resumed operations in early February after extensive reconstruction.

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Europe must continue to support Ukraine

As we mark the second year of war in Ukraine, Caritas Europa calls on EU Member States to plan long-term solutions for humanitarian funding and refugee protection.

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Europe must continue to support Ukraine
We need to be ready to provide long-term assistance to address the profound…

We need to be ready to provide long-term assistance to address the profound…

Two years of uninterrupted war and a decade-long military campaign in Ukraine are deepening the humanitarian crisis.

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Emergency Appeal reporting: the statistics with the human lives behind them

The essence of our project lies in its name - Emergency Appeal "Responding to emergencies and the consequences of hostilities in Ukraine". This means an instant response to an acute demand that needs to be met immediately: providing…

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Emergency Appeal reporting: the statistics with the human lives behind them
Розпочинаємо реєстрацію заявок на участь у проєкті Родина Родині

Розпочинаємо реєстрацію заявок на участь у проєкті Родина Родині

Мета проєкту, який Карітас-Спес Україна реалізовує у співпраці з Карітас Польща, – фінансова підтримка українців, які постраждали від наслідків війни в Україні.

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Caritas-Spes Ukraine signs a memorandum of cooperation in the humanitarian…

On 9 January, Deputy Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration Serhiy Biletsky and Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetsky, President of the Caritas-Spes Ukraine Religious Mission, signed an official memorandum of cooperation in the humanitarian…

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Caritas-Spes Ukraine signs a memorandum of cooperation in the humanitarian…
People who are unbroken by war

People who are unbroken by war

Short stories of our beneficiaries who received assistance during the first six months of the Emergency Appeal 2023 Project. Testimonies of our team, who are making extraordinary efforts to provide effective aid to people who need it the…

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