Місія «Карітас-Спес Україна» шукає людину, яка поділяє цінності Місії, ставить перед собою амбітні цілі й завзято прагне їх досягти, націлену на саморозвиток і розвиток своєї країни та є експертом у своїй сфері. Запрошуємо Вас у команду, яка любить свою роботу.
Посада: Офіцер з моніторингу, оцінки, підзвітності та навчання (MEAL).
Підзвітний: Операційному директору / програмному директору
Локація: Дистанційно
Резюме надсилати на пошту: hr@caritas-spes.org до 22.04.2022.
Головна мета: підтримка впровадження програм «Карітас-Спес Україна» щодо надзвичайних ситуацій, включаючи, але не обмежуючись, моніторингом прогресу за індикаторами проекту, розробку інструментів моніторингу та оцінки, проведення оцінок потреб, ринків пост активності, управління базою даних бенефіціарів, зміна вибірки бенефіціарів на середині проекту, розробка та впровадження механізму підзвітності, а також складання місячних, двомісячних та квартальних звітів.
Job description
Position: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and learning (MEAL) Officer
Reporting to: Director of Operations
Position is based: Remotely
Under the direction of the Director of Operations and Program Director support the implementation of the Caritas SPES Ukraine emergency programming, including but not limited to monitoring progress on project indicators, elaboration of M&E tools, conducting needs/market/post activity assessments, beneficiary database management, recalibration of beneficiary targeting at project mid-point, development and implementation of accountability mechanism as well as compilation of monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly reports.
Main duties:
1. Track the project indicators, according to the MEAL plans
2. Create and manage databases to ensure the traceability of the project beneficiaries and assistance provided
3. Regularly conduct on site monitoring and post distribution surveys (where possible);
4. Review, clean and analyze all project data, including but not limited to: beneficiary registration, baseline study, onsite monitoring, post activity monitoring, price data, final evaluation.
5. Ensure that the project mid-term evaluation and project final evaluation is timely conducted.
6. Under the direction and guidance, elaborate, review, and test all M&E tools.
7. Support the new project development, MEAL system development as needed
8. Supervise data collection exercises in the filed
9. Collect and share lessons learned, best practices, success stories and innovations stemming from program implementation.
10. Perform additional duties as assigned
Job specifications:
Bachelor's Degree
1. Manifests Caritas SPES Ukraine mission, values, and guiding principles to help improve the lives of the poor, vulnerable, and voiceless.
2. Makes responsible and efficient use of time, talent, money, assets, and natural resources to achieve plans and goals.
3. Builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships through solidarity.
4. Builds the capacity of self, staff and partners to continue learning and innovating to better fulfill our mission.
1. Self-starter with ability to operate efficiently and be successful under difficult conditions. Creativity and flexibility are paramount.
2. Excellent knowledge of local operating environment and communities.
3. At least 3 years’ full time experience in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning, preferably with an international NGO. MEAL in Emergency experience will be an advantage
4. Thorough technical knowledge and experience in MEAL.
5. Demonstrated English speaking abilities.
6. Demonstrated experience in database management
7. Developed excel skills
8. High degree of competency and comfort with information and communication technology used for MEAL
9. Excellent organizational, analytical, oral and written communication skills.
10. Team-oriented and strong interpersonal skills
The shirt-listed candidates will be expected:
1) Participate in the pre-interview;
2) Go through the skill test (online-based);
3) Based on the skills test result, participate in the final interview