ua en

Emergency Appeal Project. Current Progress Report

Each number in our report represents a human life that we are trying our best to save from despair and loneliness, to support with words and deeds, to give hope and strength to overcome another day, to hold on, to get back on their feet and move on. 

The full name of the Emergency Appeal Project is "Responding to emergencies and the aftermath of hostilities in Ukraine". For the second year in a row, the project team has been working in all parts of our country to provide assistance to those who need it the most. 

The new phase of the Project, which started in April of this year, focuses on helping primarily IDPs, the elderly over 70, large families, pregnant women, people with disabilities of groups I and II, i.e. those who have found themselves in an even more vulnerable state as a result of the war and are often on the verge of survival. 

Our main task is not to stand aside, but to provide timely help and support. You can find out how we do it in our official report. We have specially prepared it in PDF format for greater convenience in working with the material, so please download it. 

Caritas-Spes Report EA

23 October 2023
Система Orphus
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