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Our partners

«Caritas-Spes» Mission of Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine expresses gratitude to all our partners, donors, private beneficiaries, domestic and foreign foundations, as well as charitable missions that have helped us to help others, working in all the aforesaid areas. We invite you to engage in our current and new projects.

foodbank caritas drs katholische-kirche-lehnerz keb-landkreis-dillingen popeforukraine caritas caritas bistum-trier caritas-paderborn bistum-augsburg bistum-eichstaett bistumlimburg pfarre-leonding pfarre-leonding renninger-krippe renovabis crs ensinger-stiftung kirche-in-not farmak vorarlberg stepicceecharity kleineherzen sternsinger caritas liechtenstein ein-herz-fuer-kinder usccb crossing-borders hilfswerkliechtenstein maximilian-kolbe-werk osteuropahilfe wereldmissiehulp merckmillipore raiffeisen mdantsanekinderhilfe erzbistumbamberg
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