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Human health is one of the values to which Caritas-Spes Ukraine dedicates the vast majority of projects and programs. Medical offices, visits to doctors, medical assistance - all these are projects that have been operating in various diocesan centers of the Mission for over 20 years.


Children's palliative hospital «Small Hearts/Kleine Herzen»

Children's palliative hospital «Small Hearts / Kleine Herzen» has been renovated and equipped thanks to the cooperation of the Caritas-Spes Mission of Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine and the St. Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky Charitable Foundation with Austria founders - Merck Family Foundation. Kleine Herzen Foundation and H. Stepic CEE Charity.

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Medical Center and promotions

At the end of 2019 start of outpatient medical promotions in various regions of Ukraine was a real breakthrough. The program was launched in cooperation with “Promotion of Medical Development” International Charitable Foundation. A team of volunteer doctors, in agreement with the abbots of Roman Catholic parishes, received patients in churches or parish premises in different parts of Ukraine. Parish covered only travel and nutrition costs for medical personnel. All care was free for patients.

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Assisting people living with HIV / AIDS

Ukraine remains the leader in Europe in terms of HIV infection spread. UNAIDS experts estimate that up to 250000 people in Ukraine live with HIV, and only every second knows their diagnosis. The regions most affected by HIV are Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Donetsk, Kyiv and Mykolaiv, as well Kyiv city. (Information is provided without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, which do not provide data on epidemic statistics since April 2014. There are also no data on some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, since summer 2014 data from these regions has been not received fully.

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