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Caritas-Spes Ukraine is concerned about the situation of drain of intellectuals, as well as the fact that young people often go after the first education to the next - to more developed countries. That is why Caritas-Spes Ukraine considers investment in youth to be one of its priorities.

Dormitories and scholarships for youth

8 dormitories owned by the Mission accomodate 187 students who pay a nominal fee. Caritas-Spes Ukraine invests in the education of youth, and provides scholarships for 130 talented young people from poor families. The greatest sponsors of this program in 2019 were «Die Wilfried und Martha Ensinger Stiftung» and «Crossing Borders» funds.

In 2020
a three-year project for young people
  • Project : «Strengthening Youth Social Work of Caritas-Spes Ukraine 2020-2021» began.
  • From January 2020, Caritas-Spes Ukraine is implementing a project aimed at social education of young people who will become socially responsible and will be able to notice and respond to the problems with wise, kind and thoughtful actions.
  • In the project for 5840 active young people 252 social events are planned.
  • 2700 children aged 7-14 study and develop social skills during summer camps.
  • 3000 young people aged 14-18 take on social responsibility and provide activities aimed at public good.
  • 90 young and most active people aged 18-25, who learn leadership skills, participate in training to improve social competence, become passionate animators, group leaders, create space for activities in the Dioceses of Roman Catholic Church.
  • 50 young Caritas-Spes employees improve their skills in social, personnel and financial management, fight corruption and in prevention of sexual violence against minors.

The project is implemented with the financial support of German Government, «Renovabis» and «Kindermissionswerk Die Sternsinger»German funds.

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