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Caritas-Spes Ukraine announces an ideas contest

Caritas-Spes Ukraine announces an ideas contest

We invite you to participate in the ideas contest for microgrants for the implementation of social action projects. The competition initiative is aimed at helping and supporting active citizens, as well as teams with an idea for a social action project who are looking for opportunities for its implementation.

The purpose of the contest is to contribute to solving specific problems of communities by supporting local public initiatives, improving the quality of project writing and mastering tools for attracting additional resources, which will further contribute to the development of project management competencies in the field of social project management.

The topics of the projects can be different, but the importance of a particular problem for the local community, Caritas-Spes Ukraine centers and the region must be substantiated. The project should clearly and realistically indicate how it will be able to influence the solution of the problem.

Participants of the contest are participants of Caritas-Spes Ukraine training programs; parishioners of the Roman Catholic Church; employees and volunteers of Caritas-Spes Ukraine; registered non-profit organizations of Caritas-Spes Ukraine. Both existing organizations with experience and new organizations or new partnerships of organizations can apply.

To participate, please fill out the application form and read the rules carefully.

Caritas-Spes Ukraine will award grants until the maximum budget for this call for proposals is reached, provided that a sufficient number of quality proposals are received. The call for these grants will be open until July 31, 2021. Submitted project concepts will be reviewed regularly, every two weeks, starting in May 2021. It is possible that all the available funds for this call may be distributed at the beginning of the program if a sufficient number of quality concepts and projects are received.

The total amount of funding available for this opportunity is approximately UAH 600,000. The upper limit per grant is UAH 20,000. There is no lower limit, however, applicants are encouraged to submit innovative projects of a smaller scale as pilots, with a possibility of consideration for extension if the projects are successful and demonstrate significant results. Caritas-Spes Ukraine may choose to fully or partially fund the selected application(s).

The number of grants and the amount of funding available are subject to change, Caritas-Spes Ukraine reserves the right not to award any grants based on the results of the review of the received concepts.

Rules of the competition

We also invite everyone to join the Project School, which will take place on May 17-18, May 24-25, May 31 - June 1, 2021. Classes will be held online via Zoom from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Registration.

The knowledge gained will help participants prepare successful project proposals and therefore, receive money for the implementation of prospering social initiatives.

The Ideas Contest and the Project School are held within the framework of the project Strengthening Local Self-Organization and Civic Engagement in Ukraine with the support of the German Government and the German Catholic Foundation Renovabis.

29 April 2021
Система Orphus
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