19 shelters
21 humanitarian centers
5 logistic hubs
The project started on 1 April, 2022. With the support of Caritas Internationalis (24 donors), Emergency Appeal has deployed a powerful emergency response work and activity in 34 centers (19 shelters and 21 humanitarian centers).
It was developed a large logistic network. 5 logistic hubs started their work. Delivery to more than 15k cities and villages was organized.
EA provides short- and long-term residence for IDPs and for people, who's houses have been destroyed.
3172 people used the services of our shelters. The majority of these people still live in our shelters till now. The project provides renovation jobs, re-equipment, furniture, hot meals.
Kids spaces
Around 3100 children have visited kids' spaces in our local centers. EA provides these spaces with furniture, toys, office, and other necessary things following the local centers' demands. In kids' spaces holidays and animation programs take place regularly.
Humanitarian centers
Humanitarian aid (food boxes and hygiene kits) distributions regulary take place in our humanitarian centers. During the winter time, the winterization kits were included in distribution (blankets, pillows, linens).
Starting from 1 January 2023, 20k new beneficiaries (households of 1-3 persons) were included in the EA project (the most vulnerable groups). It is they who the EA project helps now with food boxes (no more than 3 times), hygiene kits (no more than 1 time), and winterization for those who are really in need.
Psychological help
EA project has provided psychological services for people, who have been impacted by the war. Everyone (adults and children) is welcome to use the service for free, as long as they need it.
For now, the EA project has already helped more than 300k.
We are constantly improving and looking for ways to make our service better to people in need!