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Case management gave hope and supported a family from Kharkiv in a difficult moment

Case management gave hope and supported a family from Kharkiv in a difficult moment

A case manager is not a magician who will solve all your problems with a single wave of the hand, but a reliable shoulder that provides a sense of support, assistance, and the value of human connection.

Anna (name changed for ethical reasons) turned to Caritas-Spes Kharkiv when the situation in her family became truly difficult, and she felt that without outside help, she might not cope. Anna’s older daughter has a congenital disability due to a spinal condition and requires additional support tools (corset, orthopedic shoes, and a Schanz collar) as well as expensive medications. The girl studies at home, which does not contribute much to her social adaptation and connection with peers.

Anna’s younger son has a congenital condition that requires regular check-ups and ongoing health care. After two car accidents, Anna’s husband became disabled due to severe injuries, and the family budget relies solely on Anna.

The case manager helped the family obtain vouchers for medications for both the daughter and the husband, and thanks to food and hygiene kits, the family was able to save money for more significant needs. The daughter started attending a children’s space, where she met other kids, found emotional comfort, and made new friends.

“After receiving help from Caritas-Spes Kharkiv, our life became a little easier, and we felt the support and hope that we were not alone with our difficulties. Attending such activities not only improved daughter’s mood but also helped her make new friends, which is very important for her socialization since she studies at home and has little contact with peers. Overall, this support has been a lifesaver for us at a time when we found ourselves in a difficult situation, and it has helped us feel more confident. We understand that many challenges lie ahead, but thanks to the help of Caritas-Spes Kharkiv, we are one step closer to stability and have more resources to take care of our children and support their health,” Anna shared.

We sincerely thank our partners Caritas Österreich, NACHBAR IN NOT, Caritas Schweiz, and Caritas Zagrebacke Nadbiskupije for the opportunity to help Ukrainians and give them a sense of their own value and support.

9 December 2024
Система Orphus
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