On December 8, an inclusive center for people with disabilities was opened in the village of Zarichany. The center is the only one of its kind, as there is no such complex in Kyiv, Zhytomyr or many other regions. Its main concept is to…
read moreThe blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border has been going on for almost a month now. This was announced on November 23 by Vasyl Zvarych, Ukraine's ambassador to Poland. During the entire period of tension on the border, the…
read moreEvery year on December 3, the world community celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Today we would like to announce the opening of a rehabilitation center for such compatriots. "Caritas-Spes Ukraine will present it on…
read more"We live practically in a bomb shelter". The realities of the beneficiaries
read moreAt the 59th plenary session of the Conference of the RCC Bishops in Ukraine, Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskyi, President of Caritas-Spes Ukraine, and Father Vyacheslav Grynevych SAC, Executive Director of the Mission, presented the…
read moreOn Sunday, November 19, the Church of St. Nicholas in Kyiv became a meeting place for 250 poor and homeless people. Caritas-Spes Kyiv together with the The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate organized a charity lunch and a concert on…
read moreWhen the Emergency Appeal team discussed the inclusion of this topic in our work with children, the reaction was mixed. On the one hand, yes, in peacetime, building good environmental habits is an extremely important topic that does not…
read moreMental health is just as important as physical health. One of the activities of the HARPU project of the Religious Mission “Caritas-Spes Ukraine” is the organization of psychosocial support groups, which can be joined by anyone who wants…
read moreВідчуття провини через намагання жити звичне життя, неконтрольоване споживання новин, страх за близьких — короткий і далеко не повний перелік того, з чим зіштовхуються українці через військову агресію РФ. Допомогти собі пережити складний…
read moreEach number in our report represents a human life that we are trying our best to save from despair and loneliness, to support with words and deeds, to give hope and strength to overcome another day, to hold on, to get back on their feet…
read moreThere is hope. Always, in everything and for everyone. It is strengthened especially when we know what the results of today's active projects will bring in the future. One of them is aimed at completing the reconstruction of a home for…
read moreOur mission is also to be close to those who need us here and now. To be present where there is the greatest need. These are not just words, according to these words Caritas-Space performs concrete actions. Thanks to the support of the…
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