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Meetings with children are the most important, we can never know who we meet in a child. Be able to love someone else's child. Never do someone else's child that would not want to do yours. Love your child in any way - untalented, a loser, an adult. Communicating with her - be happy, because a child is a holiday that is still nearby (Janusz Korczak).

For Caritas-Spes Ukraine, work with children is one of the priorities. We pay special attention to children from families in hard life circumstances, children with HIV / AIDS and various disability forms, children from front-line zone, from Roma families and children deprived of parental care that are growing in our family-type orphanages.

Family-type orphanages

A child must grow up in a family, a child must have loving parents who take care of him/her, give him/her an opportunity to develop, to grow in perception, to have a happy childhood. The first Caritas-Spes Ukraine family-type orphanages appeared in Zakarpattia in 1999. For today 240 children deprived of parental care have found family and love in 19 orphanages.

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Children's vacations

Each summer Caritas-Spes Ukraine is able to accept more than 3000 children in 5 recreation centers. 2020 was unprecedented year in the history of the Mission, as the Covid-19 pandemic banned recreational and health camps for children

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Kindergartens and Svitlytsia centers

More than 700 children are being educated in 14 kindergartens across Ukraine. There are more than 400 children in 6 Svitlytsia centers.

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